Licensing & Guidelines

Licensing and Guidelines

Using the HD Voice or HD Voice+ logo 

Logo Licensing Program

The GMSA HD Voice and HD Voice+ Logo Licensing Program enables a consistent industry message on the enhanced voice quality of terminals and networks featuring Super-Wideband voice communication.

The GSMA’s HD Voice+ Licensing Program requires compliance to minimum performance requirements, including proper interoperability with existing HD Voice and HD Voice+ systems.

Understanding HD Voice & HD Voice+

More about HD Voice 

Use of the HD Voice & HD Voice+ logos

The universally recognised symbols for HD Voice and HD Voice+ identify HD Voice and HD Voice+ enabled services and devices, across both mobile and fixed networks, including:

Examples of promotional activities 

Step 1: Find out more about becoming a licensee

Many operators and network vendors are already using the logo to promote their crystal-clear HD Voice and HD Voice+ service.

To find out more about using the logo and becoming a licensee, go to HD Voice + logo usage guidelines.

NB.  Your organisation does not need to be a member of the GSMA, to sign either the HD Voice+ Logo or Marketing License agreement.

Step 2: Select the relevant license agreement

To use the HD Voice and/or HD Voice+ logo, please review annexes below for the relevant minimum requirements.

The HD Voice and HD Voice+ logo (self) certification of a mobile network, mobile phone or DECT phone can be made considering the respective minimum requirements captured in the latest HD voice technical annex versions:

Step 3: Sign and return the license agreement

Please return the signed license agreement to our corporate counsel. On receipt of the signed soft copy of the license agreement, the logo artwork files will be emailed to you.

Further information

For marketing-related enquiries, please email HD Voice. For press and media-related enquiries, please contact the GSMA Press Office.