MWC24 Barcelona GSMA SEC CON – Securing the Future with Artificial Intelligence
Securing the Future with Artificial Intelligence
Session 1 – Securing AI: shielding AI from targeted cyber attacks
AI provides many transformative ways to generate new insights from data and develop new tailored experiences to end users. As AI automation is increasingly responsible for real-time decision making with or without a human in the loop, it is critical that AI is not vulnerable to attack. This in turn leads to many new security risks and attack vectors that did not exist in legacy systems and for which different security mitigations are required.
Securing Artificial Intelligence involves protecting AI systems from threats and risks such as data leakage, model tampering, data poisoning and intellectual property theft. This session will explore different techniques and best practices that can help to secure AI both as a generic technology and in specific deployment environments or application use cases.
Session 2 – AI-driven threats: strategies and frameworks for agile defence
Just as AI has the ability to automate business processes and draw intelligence from diverse data sets for positive benefit, attackers are increasingly leveraging AI to execute attacks and identify weaknesses in networks, products and services. As AI continues to evolve, it widens the threat landscape by bringing with it a new era of cyber threats and a new arms race between attackers and defenders. As an ecosystem, we need to consider the defensive strategies to fight this battle ahead, redefining the known and exploring the unknown.
This session will look at the technologies and techniques behind AI-powered attacks and how to secure estates in the face of such attacks through both AI enabled and more traditional defence approaches. AI frameworks and strategies will be explored to highlight the most impactful way to securely strengthen defences and set up for agile rapid responses to these new AI powered complex attacks.
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