MWC23 Barcelona – GSMA SEC CON 2023

MWC23 Barcelona – GSMA SEC CON 2023

Start: Thursday 2 March 2023 09:30

End: Thursday 2 March 2023 15:00

Venue: CC. 5.0 Fira Barcelona Gran Via

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Securing Telecoms in Times of Conflict

The GSMA was created on the common understanding to build and operate a world-wide mobile telecommunication network without borders.

Today, international changes in communication security and supply chain resilience are at the fore front of the evolution of telecommunication.

The diverging international challenges require a closer dialogue on security and supply chain between industry and a wide range of ecosystem players.

Join us at GSMA SEC CON to hear from leading security experts, in both the public and private sector, on how to keep telecoms secure in times of conflict.

Register your interest to join us at the GSMA security conference by submitting the online form below. Places are strictly limited, and successful registrations will be notified shortly.


Session 1 – The Mobile Network Battlefield – Recognizing the role of telecoms during conflict
Telecoms represent a significant battlefield for cyber warfare. As a vital component of a nation’s infrastructure, defending mobile networks is a high priority. This session will discuss the challenges that conflict poses to the mobile industry and strategies for building resilience in this rapidly evolving arena.
Time Session Speaker
9.30-9.35 Welcome and Intro Samantha Kight , Head of Industry Security, GSMA
9.35 – 09.45 Key Note: Recognizing the role of telecoms during conflict


Throughout history we have seen how new technology changes the experiences of people caught up in conflict. This key note explores how the GSMA has built a network to bring the industry together to support the efforts in maintaining and standing up connectivity.

Mats Granryd, Director General, GSMA
09.45 – 10.20 Case Study: The Mobile Network Battlefield


Mobile Networks and mobile phones are now ubiquitous throughout the world, and that includes on the Battlefield. We profile the history of mobile networks in conflicts, with a focus on their use in Ukraine. We will initially cover the expected outcome and the actual uses of mobile networks, as well as how both sides prepared and adapted over time. Then we shall present some of the results of new research on how mobile networks can be used on the battlefield. Finally, we will give recommendations on how network and countries around the world can learn from this conflict to help build in resilience and security into their own societies

Cathal McDaid, Chief Technology Officer, ENEA AdaptiveMobile Security
10.20 – 11.00 Panel Discussion: Building resilience in mobile networks



Silke Holtmanns (FI), PwC Finland 5G Security Team


Dan Beaman, Global Director – 5G, Palo Alto

Cathal McDaid, Chief Technology Officer, ENEA AdaptiveMobile Security

Andrew Lloyd, Vice President and Head of Government and Industrial Relations, Ericsson

Mr Yurii Matsyk, Head of the MDT’s Department of Fixed Broadband, Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation

11.00 Closing Samantha Kight , Head of Industry Security, GSMA
11.00 – 11.30 Networking Break
Session 2 – Keeping Civilians Connexted in Conflict – Looking at the lifecycle from devices to networks
Conflict threatens civilian access to critical services of all kinds. From devices to the network, decisions made across the lifecycle have an impact on keeping civilians connected during conflict. This session will discuss the impact of conflict on civilians and how mobile network services can help to mitigate some of these effects.
Time Session Speaker
11.30-11.35 Welcome and Intro Samantha Kight , Head of Industry Security, GSMA
11.35 – 11.55 Key Note: Keeping Civilians Connected in Conflict – Kyvstar’s experience

Connectivity is a humanitarian need during the war.

Ukraine is facing a growing humanitarian catastrophe and connectivity plays a vital role during evacuation, providing help and medical services, having access to information and being connected with loved ones. Kyivstar, the biggest mobile operator in Ukraine, will share lifehacks on how to be prepared for crisis scenarios during war times, focusing on four strategics pillars:

  • Securing people
  • Securing the network
  • How to work during blackouts
  • Humanitarian help

Kyivstar is working day and night to provide sustainable and secure mobile communication services ensuring that all Ukrainians can access information, use critical digital services and contact loved ones.

Volodymyr Lutchenko, Chief Technology Officer, Kyivstar
11.55 – 12.30 Fireside Chat: Looking at the lifecycle from devices to networks


David Rogers, Chief Executive Officer, Copper Horse


Justin Williams, Group Information Security, MTN

Volodymyr Lutchenko, Chief Technology Officer, Kyivstar


12.30 Closing Samantha Kight , Head of Industry Security, GSMA
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Break
Session 3 – Disinformation, Propaganda and Active Measures – Securing telecoms to stop fake news from spreading
In times of conflict, an honest exchange of information is hard to come by. Disinformation can be spread extensively through telecoms, presenting security challenges for operators and the wider ecosystem. This session will discuss the implications of disinformation, propaganda and active measures for telecoms during conflicts
Time Session Speaker
13.30-13.35 Welcome and Intro Samantha Kight , GSMA
13.35 – 13.45 Key Note: How Digital Infrastructure is Shaping Today and Tomorrows Conflicts 


Massive digital transformation is shaping our world, and not always for the better. While disinformation and misinformation are hardly new, these and other digital harms are being turbo-changed by digital connectivity.

Our growing dependence on satellites, data centers, underwater cables, cell phones, digital platforms and the algorithms that power them are bringing both opportunities and risks.


From Afghanistan and Yemen to Haiti and Mexico, the spread of digital harms has real world consequences. They can determine whether someone lives or dies by shaping everything from access to security and protection, to water, food, healthcare, and vaccines.

During this key note Secdev Group will talk about how digital dependencies offer both lifelines and liabilities.


Robert Muggah, Co-Founder, SecDev
13.45 – 14.25 Case Study: Cognitive Influence Operations during Gray Zone Conflict – A Case for Industry Risk Reduction David Simpson, Professor, Virginia Tech
14.25 – 15.00 Panel Discussion: Securing telecoms to stop fake news from spreading



Moderator: Philippe.Vuilleumier , Senior Security Advisor, Swisscom


David Simpson, Professor, Virginia Tech

Erika Magonara, Cybersecurity Officer, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)


15.00 Closing Samantha Kight , Head of Industry Security, GSMA

Our Speakers:

Opening Remarks:

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Master of Ceremonies:

Security Headline Sponsor:

The event has ended. Thank you for your participation. See you next year!