Operator Expert Groups
REG covers public policy issues related to the regulation of mobile communications services and infrastructure in the EU. Focus areas include Digital Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Telecoms Supply Chain, Net Neutrality and Roaming. The group also contributes to the work of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).
Chair: Anton Horshkov, Deutsche Telekom
Vice-Chairs: Volcy Lesca, (Orange), Javier Domínguez Lacasa (Telefónica) and Manuel Braga-Monteiro (Vodafone)
GSMA Contact:
DEC covers the public policy issues related to the regulation of the digital economy and society in the EU. Focus areas include Platform economy, Data, Artificial Intelligence, Consumer and Content policy. The group also contributes to the work of the European Commission’ stakeholders expert groups on GDPR application and REFIT of Consumer law.
Chair: Krisztina Baracsi, Vice President EU Affairs, Telenor
Vice-Chairs: Benjamin Ledwon (Deutsche Telekom), Elin Nielsen (Orange) and Matthew Allison (Vodafone)
GSMA Contact:
FREQ focuses on radio spectrum issues including EU spectrum roadmaps and policy, awards and authorisations as well as spectrum management. The group has an EU focus but also contributes to the work of the Conference of European Post and Telecommunications Authorities (CEPT).
Chair: Javier Domínguez Lacasa, Telefónica
Vice Chairs: Stephen Pentland, Vodafone Group and Päivi Ruuska, Telia Company