DOCOMO Case Study

In Japan, mobile network operators currently emit greenhouse gases equivalent to the roughly 10 million private vehicles per year, and so NTT DOCOMO has a social responsibility to reduce carbon emissions.

DOCOMO announced its commitment to reduce the carbon emissions in its own operations effectively to zero by 2030 in addition to setting its science-based target of 1.5°C. Furthermore, a strategy has been developed to collaborate with customers and partner companies to help achieve zero carbon emissions for the benefit of the whole of society.

Carbon neutral operations by 2030

DOCOMO will achieve carbon neutrality by applying cutting-edge technology to improve energy efficiency and procure clean energy from renewable sources.

A decrease in power consumption will be achieved by upgrading the sleep functions of base stations, and by developing advanced technologies and equipment such as power-saving devices for 5G.

DOCOMO will use renewable electricity directly provided by solar power plants of NTT Group, which entered the renewable electricity business through corporate power purchase agreements. In addition, renewable energy certificates will be purchased, increasing the rate of renewable energy use to 100%.

DOCOMO will deploy IOWN (the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network) photoelectric fusion technology by 2030. This will help realise both high-speed communications and a drastic reduction in power consumption.

Reduction of carbon emissions in its value chain

DOCOMO shops aim to achieve 100% renewable electricity use by installing solar panels at their premises, and by purchasing renewable power provided by utility companies.

Carbon emissions will be reduced across the entire value chain by collaborating with telecommunications equipment and mobile device suppliers, and actively procuring environmentally-friendly products.

Working with customers and partner companies to reduce carbon emissions across society

DOCOMO will continue to provide new services for consumers, contributing to zero carbon emissions. “Green 5G™” will provide 5G networks powered with 100% renewable electricity. DOCOMO will commence the sale of electricity generated from renewable sources as “docomo Electricity Green” in the retail market.

DOCOMO will roll out a new ecosystem called “Caboneu™” in conjunction with its partners and customers. The “Caboneu™” platform will make customer contributions to reducing carbon emissions visible and help them understand how they can help achieve carbon neutrality as part of the “Caboneu” ecosystem.

Caboneu logo

Going forward, DOCOMO will continue to strive to improve customer service and achieve sustainable corporate development, with the aim of helping to create a society in which people can live in greater safety, security, comfort, and prosperity, in all countries and regions, and across all generations.

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