Friday August 2, 2024

GSMA Mobile Connectivity Index: Accelerating connectivity through evidence-based policymaking

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On 30 July 2024, the GSMA Connected Society programme launched the latest update to the GSMA’s Mobile Connectivity Index (MCI). We explored its data, methodology and relevance in evidence-based policymaking. If you missed the virtual launch event, catch up on the recording here.

In this session, attendees heard the newest MCI data and learnt about the countries making significant strides in mobile connectivity. Participants received an overview of the MCI and heard perspectives on leveraging the MCI for evidence-based policymaking. Daud Elvin Suleman, Director General of Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA), shared firsthand experience on how to utilise MCI data to inform policy decisions. Additionally, François Coupienne, Global Digital Lead of UNCDF, delved into their use of MCI data to drive evidence-based policymaking efforts globally.

The webinar provides a unique opportunity for policymakers, industry experts and stakeholders to gain an understanding of how they can leverage the Mobile Connectivity Index and its data to advance mobile connectivity and drive digital inclusion.

Visit the MCI at