Monday September 27, 2021

Mobile money enabled cash aid delivery: Mobile operator course

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Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has increasingly been the modality of choice in many crisis situations and using digital mechanisms for disbursement has been growing alongside it. This course has been designed for participants to understand how mobile money enabled CVA works in practice, and what is needed to ensure effective operations work to the benefit of recipients, mobile money providers and aid implementers. While focused mostly on mobile money enabled CVA in humanitarian contexts, the information in the course is also applicable more broadly to longer-term development assistance and social payments.


The course is comprised of the following five modules, which include a mix of interactive learning activities, videos and quizzes:

  • Module 1 – Introduction to mobile money enabled humanitarian cash and voucher assistance
  • Module 2 – Structuring successful operations I
  • Module 3 – Structuring successful operations II
  • Module 4 – The importance of partnerships
  • Module 5 – Innovation as a competitive advantage


The course is self-paced, and estimated to take around 18-22 hours, over an assumed two-three week period, depending on student availability. We recommend the course is completed within a time period of around three weeks if possible, but if students need more time, the maximum number of days the student will be supported by digital learning coaches, and receive communications to guide them through the course, is 42 days.

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