This document provides a technical description of the GSMA’s eSIM IoT Architecture and
Requirements SGP.31 specification.
This specification provides a technical description of:
• The remote provisioning and management of the eUICC in IoT Network Constrained
and/or User Interface Constrained Devices.
• The eUICC architecture for IoT Devices.
• The interfaces used within the eSIM IoT architecture; and
• The security functions used within the eSIM IoT architecture.
Please note that version 1.0 of SGP.32 contained errors on the ASN.1 structure due to a missing accepted change from GSMA eSIMG.
- Section 2.1.3 ASN.1 — IMPORT module from SGP.22 was missing – asn1module1 was added on SGP.32 v1.0.1
- Section ASN.1 — eIM configuration data tag values were wrongly assigned
SGP.32 v1.0.1 fixes the problems above.