Promoting the All-IP native experience in Mobile 360 Latin America

The GSMA held its first Mobile 360 event in Latin America on the 13th and 14th May 2015 at the Sheraton in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. The two day agenda was supported by a demonstration area showcasing the GSMA’s main programmes – and Network 2020 was, of course, promoting IP Communications with the support of Jibe mobile and D2 Technologies and NewNet. The event was attended by executives from across Latin America including America Movil, Telefonica, Telecom Argentina, Entel, TIM, Oi, and Cable & Wireless. This is not surprising as Latin America and the caribbean mobile market is now the fourth-largest globally, with almost 326 million unique subscribers and with more than 90 mobile operators. This is expected to grow to drive this region to the second-highest installed base of smartphones in the world by 2020. High- level presentations, panel discussions and working groups addressed the most pertinent opportunities faced by the operators within the region and provided our program the platform to present a model for native IP-based communication success in Latin America based on experience from Europe and North America.

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