Operator Platform Group

Join the Operator Platform Group to collaborate with developers, operators, platform providers, and the broader ecosystem. Together, we define how to expose operator services that help Application Providers improve their offerings. Contact us today to be part of shaping the future of service delivery.

What is the GSMA Operator platform Group?

The Operator Platform defines a common platform exposing operator services/capabilities to customers/developers in the 5G-era in a connect once, connect to many models. 

The main objective is the standardisation of a common architecture using a platform approach for exposing these services. This platform would cover common aspects required across all exposed services such as application onboarding, privacy management, charging, etc. as well as defining a federation interface that expands the operator’s footprint supporting for example offering services related to subscribers that are roaming. This architecture unifies the external integration and exposure, allowing operators to offer their services or collaborate with hyperscalers and other service providers. 

This platform approach would provide the technical basis for the implementation of the Open Gateway initiative in the Operator Networks.

The Operator Platform Group is open to all interested parties in the ecosystem and brings together operators, aggregators, platform developers, edge cloud providers, Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs), Open-Source Projects, industry for a and market participants.