Primer plano de los dedos de una persona tocando una pantalla electrónica elegante y curva que emite una luz azul. Los dedos presionan contra la superficie lisa, lo que provoca reflejos y ligeras distorsiones en la pantalla. El fondo es un degradado de tonos azul oscuro y claro.

GSMA Open Gateway in Latin America

What is GSMA Open Gateway?

GSMA Open Gateway is a framework of common network Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) designed to provide universal access to operator networks for developers.

GSMA Open Gateway will help cloud providers and developers enhance existing services and deploy new services to their customers more quickly across operator networks by giving developers a single point of access to the world’s largest connectivity platform. 

The whole mobile ecosystem benefits. The new 5G network capabilities will be exposed through data service APIs which are more readily available across global telecom networks and countries, making it seamless and easy to access within a controlled and federated market.

Who are GSMA Open Gateway supporters?

The GSMA Open Gateway Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is supported by some of the world’s largest and most innovative Mobile Network Operators, representing 75% of mobile connections. Companies with operations in Latin America that are already part of GSMA Open Gateway include América Móvil, AT&T, Entel, Liberty, Telecom Argentina, Telefónica, and TIM.

APIs are defined, developed, and published in CAMARA, the open-source project created jointly by the Linux Foundation and GSMA in 2022.

News about GSMA Open Gateway in Latin America

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La pantalla de una computadora muestra un código escrito en JavaScript. El fragmento de código está parcialmente enfocado y resalta variables como $image y funciones como outerWidth(). El fondo muestra un texto borroso y desenfocado.
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