Mobile Meetings Series: The Future of EU Consumer Protection: What is the way forward?

Start: Tuesday 20 November 2018 08:15

End: Tuesday 20 November 2018 10:00

Venue: New GSMA Europe office

Location: Regent Park, Boulevard du Régent 35, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Improving consumer protection in the EU has been a priority for the Juncker Commission, in particular in the context of the completion of the Digital Single Market. In addition to the latest “New Deal for Consumers”, which represents the new cornerstone of the EU consumer protection policy, several proposals are currently under discussion at EU level in order to support this objective. In particular, initiatives such as the Directive for the supply of digital content, the Directive on contract rules for the online and other distance sales of goods and the recent Regulation on Platform-to-Business, touch upon the need to strengthen consumers’ protection and shape the role of the industry in a fast-changing digital world.

While it is important that these initiatives offer an environment in which consumers’ rights are protected both online and offline, it is also essential that they do not create a complex and fragmented legal framework for the industry, but instead ensure that both consumers and businesses are able to rely on coherent and harmonised rules across the EU.

This GSMA Mobile Meetings Series roundtable will bring together a group of 20 selected stakeholders, including EU decision-makers and industry experts, to discuss, amongst others, the following:

• Do we need new legislative initiatives in order to close the current gaps in consumers’ protection?

• How do we ensure cross-sectoral and cross-border harmonisation?

• Can better enforcement be achieved through existing legislative instruments?

• What should be the priority areas of the next Commission when it comes to consumers’ protection?

This event is by invitation only and will be held under Chatham House rules. Registration will be granted under a first-come first-served basis and limited to one representative per company.

For more information please contact: [email protected]

Hosted in our offices, the Mobile Meetings Series are small scale – but big scope – invitation only events for the Brussels public policy audience.

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