Putting People in Control: How Europe Can Support Innovation and Consumer Protection

While the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation will mark a good step forward, anomalies in the e-Privacy Directive still need to be addressed to ensure the policy landscape reflects current technologies and how European consumers use them.

To that end, the GSMA has welcomed the European Commission’s announcement to review the e-Privacy Directive. Marking the 10th anniversary of Data Protection Day on 28 January, the GSMA commended efforts to harmonise data protection and privacy standards to reach the ultimate goal of connecting everyone and everything to a better future. Read more.

As the launch of the public consultation on the review of the ePrivacy Directive is imminent, the GSMA and its members will continue to engage with policymakers and key stakeholders to ensure consistent privacy experiences and protections for individuals, regardless of the technology they use and wherever the relevant service providers are based.