GSMA Fusion

Today’s mobile networks deliver critical data and functionality to connected applications and systems, enabling capabilities like user authentication, fraud detection, high-precision localisation, and on-demand quality of service.

GSMA Fusion provides a means by which enterprises can engage with the telecommunications industry – to express their requirements of today’s advanced network. Our mission is to allow enterprises’ voice to be heard by our industry in order that we can drive innovation for their businesses and customers. 

GSMA Fusion works with enterprises and industries to identify unmet needs and explore new functionalities that mobile networks can provide. By connecting businesses with operators and developers, creating APIs that add value and improve customer experiences, both now and in the future.

Read about how the GSMA and Automotive Edge Computing Consortium are working together to drive forward interoperable connected vehicle services

Want to learn more about how GSMA Fusion can help drive innovation for your business? Contact us using the form below, and our team will connect with you to discuss how we can support your specific needs and objectives. 💬