
Under the Diversity4Tech Programme, the GSMA has launched a number of activities to advance the goal of reducing the gender gap in the tech industry. Gender equality, quality education, and exposure to technology in early life are fundamental areas of focus and improvement. GSMA Asia Pacific has launched two tiers of initiatives in regards to the advancement of women in technology, with focuses on women at the youth level through GSMA Tech4Girls program, the career and working-level through our Women4Tech regional discussion forum.

Diversity4Tech APAC regional discussion group

The Diversity4Tech APAC regional discussion group provides a forum for women working in the tech industry to discuss issues openly and provide real-life solutions to address the gender and overall diversity gap in the industry, and maximize value and leadership skills for working-level women and their careers. The first event of Diversity4Tech APAC discussion group was the Women4Tech Leaders Reception on 24 September 2019 at the M360 Digital Societies in Kuala Lumpur.


The GSMA Asia Pacific echoed the launch of the GSMA Tech4Girls program in March of 2019 through a STEM workshop for student girls in Hong Kong. This hands-on workshop is created for young female participants to result in a sense of accomplishment, understanding of basic coding for robotics automation and a burst of confidence. This important work will shape the workforce of tomorrow, ensuring that this new program provides the diverse skills and perspectives needed for the industry to thrive.


Tech4Girls 3D digital design online workshop in Hong Kong

Women4Tech Leaders Reception at M360 Digital Societies

Women4Tech gathering at Telenor Corporate Office in Singapore


Call for Write-Ups announced on 8 March 2024 International Women’s Day

Call for Write-Ups announced on 8 March 2023 International Women’s Day

