A city skyline at night with an overlay of white parabolic lines illustrating wireless network connections.

NTN Open Gateway Challenge

European Space Agency (ESA) and GSMA Foundry are launching a NTN Open Gateway Challenge that centers on leveraging the transformative potential of seamless Terrestrial Networks (TN) and Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) to propel the development of connectivity solutions toward greater resilience, sustainability, and technological advancement. With the boundless potential of technology and connectivity, a new era is unfolding, to bring forth novel players and transform existing ones. This evolution integrates NTN into TN, promising a more robust, sustainable, and advanced connectivity solution for the future. 
The challenge, funded by ESA addresses the imperative for market-oriented experimentation, by exploring the feasibility and the implementation of CAMARA Application Programme Interfaces (APIs), in addition to the development of potential new APIs and algorithms that complement existing ones for TN within the framework of GSMA’s Open Gateway initiative. The challenge is not centered on a specific application but more on providing the same set of capabilities to application/service provider to best utilise TN and NTN capabilities.  

What are the Key Focus Areas?

Integration of NTN/TN Networks

  • Network Integration of NTN/TN Networks and Service Management
  • Extension of GSMA Open Gateway initiative (which includes CAMARA and Operator Platform) for a seamless integration of TN/NTN deployments, targeting APIs for Northbound and East/West interactions (inter NTN operators, NTN-TN operators). Aspects like interworking, handover, and roaming should be considered.  
  • Investigation for extending or creating of APIs to incorporate the spatial topology of TN/NTN networks within the framework, considering dynamic elements like moving NTN nodes, fixed TN nodes and aspects of service management. 

Vertical Services Use cases

  • Demonstrate in chosen vertical markets or services the functionality and performance of GSMA Open Gateway for integrated TN/NTN deployments (e.g. transport, IoT, fintech, etc.)   

Sustainability Metrics

  • Development of models for Key Value Indicators (KVIs) suitable for integrated TN/NTN deployments and operations, encompassing the definition and adaptation of appropriate KVI parameterization. 
  • Providing tools for investigating sustainability parameters  


All applications & submissions should:


Cohort 4:


Ensure that you have submitted your interest by December 31st.


A GSMA and ESA representative from the selection committee will analyse all the applications received.


Time to prepare your proposal and seek approval.


Updates and presentation of final report.

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