On-Demand Webinar: Mobile IoT (LPWA) for Smart Cities

Mobile IoT, also known as Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) in licensed spectrum, is ideal for smart cities solutions. Benefited from its low power consumption, low device cost, long battery life (up to 10 years) and wide area cellular coverage,  cities can become more efficient and make their assets work harder. Mobile IoT networks offer a scalable, secure and standardised way to connect smart city assets across a wide variety of services in an economically sustainable way. As a result, high quality of service and effective management and integration of the IoT attributes can be efficiently implemented into a city’s framework for service provision.

This webinar, delivered by mobile network operators, smart city developers and customers, will explore how Mobile IoT technologies help facilitate and speed up smart city asset implementation through use cases in various verticals, including smart lighting, smart parking, and smart waste management.

This webinar was originally broadcast on 25 October 2017


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