The MMU blog has a makeover

The MMU site re-launches with a user-friendly & improved design.

We want to make it easier for you to get a quick overview of the trending issues within mobile money, in addition to accessing the latest publications, blogs and insight.

The  new design’s clean, clear navigational system provides an at-a-glance summation of key topics,  as well as providing aggregated pages where all available publications are ready to be explored in one single space.

For example:

As a user, you can find out everything you need to know about agent networks by clicking in the agent networks page.  Here the MMU team has carefully curated the content which includes blog posts and research documents, taking full advantage of social media and video to give users a snapshot of everything they need to know about a specific focus area, notable deployment or mobile money product.

The blog posts will continue apace, but instead of including documents  in a single blog post we will simply use it as a way to highlight new and interesting developments – so anyone who needs to find the latest publications on M-PESA or a blog post on m-Insurance can just go straight to the relevant section

Finally, we have upgraded our media library which will now include videos, images of marketing collateral and an improved search facility for over 150 documents and research papers in the field of MMU.

We hope that you enjoy the new site and look forward to continue to improve MMU’s online presence. Please let us know your thoughts and feedback at [email protected]

Happy exploring!