Roshan tackling cultural barriers to provide women with mobile money access

Maha Khan at GSMA Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) has been discussing the use of mobiles in the peace-building sector and in particular mobile money bringing financial services to the poor on the MMU blog. Tackling cultural barriers has played a key role in MNOs’ success in this area and in detailing Afganistan operator Roshan’s mobile money offering M-Paisa, she says:

“With the low literacy rate, Roshan has to invest in marketing and workforce training; coupled with addressing cultural sensitivities—particularly barriers women face in a male dominated society. Women’s barriers can range from transacting in privacy and perhaps only with female agents and educating them not to share their PIN with people they have always trusted. Roshan has found that working with local businesses can help them increase awareness and build trust among potential users and eventually help M-Paisa achieve scale.”

Read more here.