Wednesday September 21, 2022

Data-driven advisory services for climate-smart smallholder agriculture

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In order to achieve sustainable development in the face of the intensifying impacts of climate change, agricultural production systems need to simultaneously achieve three goals:

  • Increase agricultural productivity and incomes;
  • Adapt to the impacts of climate change; and
  • Contribute to climate change mitigation, where possible.

Climate smart agriculture (CSA) was developed as a framework to address these challenges and encompasses a range of approaches that can be used to achieve these three goals, such as nature-based solutions, conservation agriculture and integrated soil management, among many others.

Data-driven agriculture services (DDAS) draw on a variety of data sources, including satellite imagery, weather information and farm profiles to support the decision-making of smallholder farmers. This report investigates the potential for DDAS to scale-up CSA practices among smallholder farmers. It focuses on the markets of India, Kenya and Nigeria, which are pioneers in agritech innovation, hosting the most, and the most scaled-up, providers of digital agriculture solutions for smallholder farmers.