Thursday March 26, 2020

Mobile money API industry report: Towards seamless integrations

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The seamless integration of third-parties with mobile money platforms is a key catalyst to achieving wider access to critical products by the underserved. Third-parties’ ability to integrate with mobile money platforms is also a first and necessary step to achieving the payments-as-a-platform (PaaP) model, which is one of the main aspects of the GSMA’s vision for the future of mobile money.

The Inclusive Tech Lab aims to provide thought leadership and technology-focused research. It is in this context that APIs have been a key focus area for the GSMA’s Mobile for Development (M4D) portfolio of programmes, including via the development of the GSMA Mobile Money API.

Based on 37 survey responses from mobile money providers (MMPs) globally covering over 260 million accounts, this API report aims to:

  • Understand the main industry trends in terms of third-party integration, including API design, commercial approach, documentation/ communication, testing, security and onboarding process.
  • Recommend a set of best practices based on observations from the wider financial/payment industry.
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