Friday October 15, 2021

Partnership models for mobile-enabled insurance

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Over the past decade, the inclusive digital insurance industry has evolved where mobile technology and mobile money has become increasingly beneficial to the industry. While the sector has expanded and continues to launch new and innovative products, it remains relatively nascent. Currently, only 18 per cent of mobile money providers offer a mobile-enabled insurance product. Examples of industry challenges include retaining customers with low disposable incomes and ensuring a seamless user experience for customers. The nascency of the sector highlights the significant untapped opportunity that exists for all stakeholders of the insurance delivery value chain. This includes mobile money providers, insurers and technical service providers.

This briefing note is aimed at mobile network operators, mobile money providers, underwriters, insurance providers and insurance regulators. It aims to provide an overview of mobile-enabled insurance and offer guidance on the operational and partnership models currently in use to deliver mobile-enabled insurance products.