Monday February 5, 2018

Tanzania rural coverage pilots performance report

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In July 2016, under the aegis of the GSMA, Airtel, Tigo and Vodacom agreed to test for the first time in Africa a tripartite national roaming agreement in Tanzania to provide mobile broadband connectivity to rural and remote populations.

The three operators agreed to trial six pilot sites (two pilot sites per operator) spread across the country. The GSMA supported the drafting of the agreement and coordinated the operational effort to deploy the pilot sites and ensured efficient dissemination of information between all parties.

With over 13 million citizens yet to be connected to the internet, digital inclusion in Tanzania has become a strategic priority for operators and the government alike. Connecting the remaining population within Tanzania will support an increase in GDP output and create new economic opportunities for all citizens.

This report provides a unique insight into the impact and the performance of the trial sites from both the operators and users perspective.

Download the report

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