Navigating the Shift to Digital Humanitarian Assistance: Lessons from the International Rescue Committee’s Experience

Navigating the Shift to Digital Humanitarian Assistance: Lessons from the International Rescue Committee’s Experience image

The ubiquity and scale of mobile networks has made them attractive delivery channels for many types of humanitarian assistance. As mobile technology spreads, connectivity and devices are increasingly accessible to vulnerable populations and serve as a valuable tool for delivering life-enhancing services and information. Today, millions of dollars of cash assistance are being delivered via mobile money, supplanting traditional methods of transporting and delivering cash.

This case study shares the International Rescue Committee’s experience transitioning to digital cash assistance, with a focus on how they are leveraging mobile money platforms. It highlights critical success factors and challenges, and offers tangible examples of how these can play out in crisis-affected settings.

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Navigating the Shift to Digital Humanitarian Assistance: Lessons from the International Rescue Committee’s Experience image

Lessons from the International Rescue Committee's experience - English

Navigating the Shift to Digital Humanitarian Assistance: Lessons from the International Rescue Committee’s Experience image

Leçons tirées de l’expérience de l’International Rescue Committee - Français

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