

The pressures on healthcare systems have never been greater, with factors including rising expectations, ageing populations and, particularly in emerging economies, the combined challenges of infectious disease and increasing incidence of chronic illness. Digital health solutions provide an opportunity to help healthcare providers deliver better, more consistent and more efficient healthcare, increasing access to health services and empowering individuals to manage their own health more effectively.

According to a 2015 report by PwC, mHealth could save over one million lives in sub-Saharan Africa over the next five years and the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in healthcare could reduce healthcare costs by €99 billion in the European Union and add €93 billion to the region’s gross domestic product.

Mobile Operators are already working with Healthcare partners to deliver value-add services in areas such as:

Whilst many Digital Health propositions have gained acceptance and are being more widely adopted, there are still factors limiting the wider adoption of Digital Health solutions. Hence, the Health project of the Connected Living Programme is focusing its activity around three main enabling factors:

The project will achieve these objectives by working with a range of stakeholders in the diverse Digital Health Ecosystem including but not limited to, Mobile Operators, Policy Makers, Vendors & Device Manufacturers, Insurers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Standards Organisations as well as Patient & Healthcare Professional Associations.

If you are interested in learning more about the Connected Living Health project please email [email protected]