The Asia Pacific Telecommunity Band Plan — Growing the 700MHz Ecosystem

The Asia Pacific Telecommunity Band Plan — Growing the 700MHz Ecosystem image

There has been much talk about the Digital Dividend and the move from analogue to digital television, freeing up spectrum for potential mobile broadband services.

To accelerate this transition and for countries which still have to adopt the 700MHz band plan, it is seen as imperative from two sides. The regulatory bodies wish to ensure that a healthy ecosystem in place and the industry wish to have confidence in the size of the market and the timetable around the release of the spectrum band.

In light of this, the GSMA and GSA hosted a round table to discuss the state of the ecosystem for the 700MHz APT band plan and what needs to be done to progress the use of this band. The presentations can be downloaded from below.

There is a LinkedIn discussion group to continue debate (APT700 band) with follow up meetings scheduled for 26/27th June in Shanghai and 26th July Colombia – more details to follow.

APT700 broadband for all – Scale – Roaming
Building the mobile Broadband Ecosystem for 700 MHz band

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