The GSMA attends Latin American conference on spectrum management

The GSMA attends Latin American conference on spectrum management image

In the beginning of September, the GSMA attended the 4th Annual Latin America Spectrum Management Conference in Bogota, Colombia.

The conference serves as a meeting point for spectrum stakeholders. The goal is to come together and discuss topical issues relating to the management and coordination of spectrum policy across the region.

The GSMA’s head of spectrum Brett Tarnutzer and public policy director Lucas Gallitto both attended the 4th iteration. They took part in discussions on important spectrum topics such as harmonisation, 600 and 700 MHz and of course 5G.

Important topics at the conference

All three are very important topics to the GSMA. The positive impact of harmonisation on areas such as affordability and roaming has been key to mobile’s tremendous success in Latin America and other parts of the world.

The increased availability of spectrum bands below 1 GHz, including 600 MHz and 700 MHz, is key to improving coverage in rural areas.

Also, 5G’s success depends on harmonised mobile spectrum across three categories of frequency bands. The bands are sub-1 GHz, 1-6 GHz and above 6 GHz. The latter range has the potential to transform the mobile broadband experience with ultra-high speeds and low latencies. The extent of mobile’s access to this spectrum is determined over the next two years.

Finally, download Brett Tatnutzer’s presentation here.

And visit the event page here.

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