AI for Impact: Using the power of data to respond to climate change

Friday 18 Feb 2022 | AI for Impact |

AI for Impact: Using the power of data to respond to climate change image

Climate change is the most pressing problem facing humanity.

National governments have agreed ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, but national targets need to be met with local action. Emissions from the transport sector have been particularly resistant to reductions, and transport remains a significant contributor. This urgently needs to change, and the response will be powered by data.

Comprehensive, representative, up-to-date data is the key to addressing the dual needs of increasing urban mobility and reducing transport emissions. Therefore, the GSMA’s AI for Impact Initiative has been working with a group of mobile operators to fast-track solutions to the transport emissions crisis, using mobile data.

Many mobile operators offer products and services that provide timely, data-driven insights. These have helped governments make informed strategic decisions, most recently during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mobile operators are building on this experience, focusing attention on transport emissions in order to provide actionable insights at a high level of granularity. The approach is underpinned by data privacy guidelines and AI ethics principles.

Read the information sheet to discover how mobile operators can help governments, urban planners, and other transport sector decision-makers build data-driven solutions for tackling emissions.