Industry data and insights
Since its launch in 2009, the Mobile Money programme has been collecting and analysing industry data as a core activity. Using a range of quantitative techniques, the data is used to track the progress of, and to provide insights on, the performance of mobile financial services deployments that target unbanked and underserved customers globally.

More information about the programme’s key data and insights resources are available below:
State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money
The State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money is the Mobile Money programme’s flagship annual publication that explores key trends in mobile money shaping the industry globally. Drawing on the analysis of data collected via the programme’s Global Adoption Survey, the report provides an outlook on the availability, spread and access of mobile money services globally. The report also provides insights on themes such as customer activity levels, usage, revenues and investment, and the industry’s focus on building a mobile financial ecosystem for the future. The State of the Industry Report has been published annually since 2011 and is launched at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
Global Adoption Survey
The Global Adoption Survey of Mobile Money is an annual survey conducted by the Mobile Money programme which captures quantitative information about the performance of mobile financial services. This data is used to develop the global State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money, and each survey respondent receives an individual benchmarking report in return for supplying their data. All data shared with the Mobile Money programme is kept confidential and is governed by strict non-disclosure agreements.
The 2018 survey can be downloaded below:
Please email [email protected] for any questions or comments about the Global Adoption Survey.
Individual Benchmark Reports
All Global Adoption Survey participants receive a confidential Benchmark Report based on their respective survey responses. Specific to each mobile financial service, the report provides detailed insights and shows performance of that service against both a regional peer group average and a global average, comprising aggregated data.
In addition to individual Benchmark Reports, the programme can provide group-level Benchmark Reports upon request.
A sample version of an individual Benchmark Report can be viewed below:
Mobile Money Metrics
Mobile Money Metrics is an interactive tool that provides a comprehensive set of global metrics for the industry. The tool combines unique data sources that the GSMA Mobile Money programme has been collecting and analysing since its inception such as the Mobile Money Deployment Tracker, the Mobile Money Regulatory Index, the Global Adoption Survey of Mobile Money and the GSMA Mobile Money Estimates & Forecasts. The tool is designed to support the efforts of mobile money providers and the wider international development community to deliver on the ambition of achieving greater financial inclusion, financial empowerment and economic growth.
Mobile Money Deployment Tracker
The GSMA Mobile Money programme actively tracks all mobile money deployments across the globe, collating and analysing which mobile money deployments are live, closed, are planned and those that merge or are acquired. The tracker also includes information on the location and the types of products offered by each specific deployment and is the most comprehensive publically available source detailing all live mobile money deployments worldwide. This global snapshot of live mobile money deployments is updated monthly.
The Mobile Money Deployment Tracker is available to download through Mobile Money Metrics.
Mobile Money Regulatory Index
The Mobile Money Regulatory Index is a tool to objectively measure and track the extent to which a country’s regulatory framework for mobile money is enabling. The GSMA has developed the Index to support the efforts of the mobile money industry and wider international community to accelerate the deployment and adoption of mobile money, sustainably reaching the underserved and increasing digital financial inclusion.
Estimates and Forecasts
For the past seven years, the GSMA Mobile Money programme has been collecting and analysing industry data via the Mobile Money Deployment Tracker and annual Global Adoption Survey. As the digital payments landscape has changed significantly over that period, we have developed a new proprietary modelling methodology in conjunction with GSMA Intelligence to estimate mobile money indicators at global, regional and country levels. This allows us to fill gaps in participation in the annual Global Adoption Survey and generate aggregate numbers for the State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money.
Relevant Blogs
26 September, 2018
Spotlight on mobile-enabled microinsurance
This is the second in a series of insight papers exploring selected topics based on the findings of the 2017 State of the ...
Learn more19 September, 2018
Beyond the basics: How smartphones will drive future opportunities for the mobile money industry
This is the first report in the series. Click here to read the second report. We’re pleased to release the first in a series ...
Learn more