
Svadha is a social business building better rural sanitation markets through aggregation and innovation of quality sanitation products and services

Grantee Details

Name of project: Svadha Powered by SaniMark
Project location: India
Type of grant: Seed
Grant Awarded: October 2017

Svadha is a social business building better rural sanitation markets through aggregation and innovation of quality sanitation products and services which are delivered through an army of entrepreneurs and facilitated by ICT. With GSMA, Svadha is developing and launching SaniMark, a platform to integrate and enhance the sanitation ecosystem through ecommerce and customised, data-driven business support for entrepreneurs.


For more information visit their website


“After years of working closely with sanitation entrepreneurs, Svadha is excited to finally help entrepreneurs address their core business management needs. This new opportunity for deeper engagement and support will help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and reach more sanitation consumers with quality sanitation products. We envision providing access to a variety of sanitation-related products through SaniMark and invite other companies to join us in reaching this vast market.” – Jessica Brooks Head of Innovation & Strategic Partnerships