Transformative IoT: Market Opportunities

Delivering seamless IoT connectivity has been a crucial element in helping operators to launch new services such as low power wide area (LPWA) networks, using NB-IoT and LTE-M technologies and create added value and sustainable growth. Now leading IoT operators are building on this and their reputation as trusted industry partners by delivering value added services beyond connectivity.

These solutions are delivering substantial benefits to customers such as increased productivity, reduced costs and automated business processes as well as driving innovative new products and services, new lines of business and new business models. Services beyond connectivity are transforming businesses and industries. Discover ground-breaking, world-wide initiatives from operators and their partners:

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What is Transformative IoT?

Operators are pursuing a wide range of transformative IoT initiatives for the Internet of Things that build on the basics of IoT Connectivity solutions.  Research by GSMA Intelligence identified an incremental revenue opportunity of $1.1 Trillion will exist by 2025 for beyond connectivity platforms, applications and solutions, far exceeding the IoT connectivity revenues.

Transformative IoT encompasses initiatives including

  • Application Enablement Platforms that make it easier for IoT system developers to deliver their solutions;
  • IoT Edge Computing solutions  that take IoT processing close to the network edge for low latency, high performance processing and data localisation;
  • The application of distributed ledger technologies  to the IoT to benefit from the decentralised architectures being used with blockchain;
  • Advanced analytics solutions encompassing Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence;
  • The development of highly focused applications and services for key verticals.

The Market Opportunity for Transformative IoT Solutions

The GSMA has published a number of studies covering the market for Transformative IoT solutions. These include:

IoT Edge Computing

Edge computing for the Internet of Things (IoT) allows IoT deployments to be enhanced through data processing closer to the end device. This results in lower latency and improved efficiencies in data transport.

Distributed Ledgers, Blockchain for the IoT

The launch of Bitcoin in 2008 showed that distributed ledger technologies could be used to create a decentralised, peer-to-peer trust network where transactions in the form of payments could be secured without depending on a central authority. These same technologies are now being applied to the Internet of Things to support new ways of delivering products and services for this new, highly distributed, world.

Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

The Internet of Things is resulting in the generation of a huge amount of data. Key to getting value out of this data is the ability to combine rich data sets from multiple systems, organisations and verticals with the application of big data platforms, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The GSMA continues to work with the mobile industry on best practices and commercial case studies showing how the IoT can be transformational when large, diverse data sets are processed using advanced analytical techniques.

How Network Operators Embrace Transformative IoT